Physics-related resources

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg - Fakultät für Physik ( Univ. Freiburg-im-Breisgau )
ALEPH Experiment ( CERN )
American Institute of Physics ( AIP )
The American Institute of Physics (AIP) is a not-for-profit membership corporation chartered in New York State in 1931 for the purpose of promoting the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of physics and its application to human welfare.
American Physical Society ( APS )
on-line information includes the APS E-Print Archive Forum
APS - What's New?
Physics newsflashes by Bob Park, American Physical Society. If you wish to subscribe to What's New by e-mail, send a message to and in the body of the message say `sub whatsnew'.
Argonne National Laboratory ( ANL )
Aspen Center for Physics ( ACP )
The Aspen Center for Physics is a scientific organization which promotes organized research in physics, astrophysics and related fields through a program of individual and collaborative research, seminars, workshops and conferences and which promotes the education of the general public through public lectures and other activities.
Brookhaven National Laboratory ( BNL )
Brown University ( High-Energy Physics Group )
California Institute of Technology Theoretical Particle Physics ( CalTech )
Center for Subatomic Research ( CSR )
Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille ( CPPM )
Centre Européen pour la Recherche Nucláaire (1) ( CERN )
Centre Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (2) ( CERN )
CLOUDY - Photoionization Simulation code ( CLOUDY )
Cloudy is a large-scale Fortran code designed to simulate physical conditions in a broad range of astronomical plasmas, and predict its resulting spectrum. The Cloudy homepage provides pointers to the code and its documentation, along with related publications and activities.
Cornell University Theory Center
Corporate Research Institute ( CRI )
DELPHI experiment ( CERN )
Departamento de Física Teorica de la Universidad de Zaragoza ( DFTUZ )
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron ( DESY )
Durham/RAL HEP Databases
European Incoherent Scatter ( EISCAT )
Fermilab Library
General Relativity around the world
HERMES Experiment
High Energy Physics Information Center ( HEPIC )
High-Energy Physics Information ( a resource list from CERN )
Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules ( IN2P3 )
Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria ( IFCA )
International Solar-Terrestrial Physics ( ISTP )
The International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Science Initiative Home Page provides information on ISTP missions, campaigns, and activities.
Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut ( KVI )
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory ( LBL )
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ( LLNL )
LLNL has developed world-class core competencies which are extending the frontiers of science and technology in many areas, including: defense systems science and technology, nuclear science and technology, high-performance computations, high-performance lasers, advanced sensors and instrumentation, energy science and technologies, environmental technologies, biology and biotechnology, including genomics, atmospheric science, large-scale science systems, precision manufacturing.
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) - WWW
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
The Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik is located at Heidelberg, Germany. It was founded by Wolfgang Gentner as a research centre for nuclear physics in 1958. The present major research areas include nuclear and particle physics, space science, cosmic ray research and other topics.
MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science ( LNS )
Multiwavelength Atlas of Galaxies
A Multiwavelength Atlas of Galaxies is presented as an educational tool for high school students. Optical, X-ray, Far-Infrared and Radio images are shown for a variety of nearby galaxies. Text describing the physical mechanisms of the different types of radiation, and their astronomical sources is supplied.
Nonproliferation and International Security ( NIS/LANL )
NIS division projects ALEXIS Array of Low Energy X-ray Sensors BLACKBEARD A Broadband spaceborne RF detector experiment. FORTE Fast On-orbit Recording of Transient Events LAPP Los Alamos Portable Pulser MOXE MOnitoring X-ray Experiment for Astronomy HETE High Energy Transient Experiment for Astronomy DAHW Deployable Adaptive Processing Hardware X-ray data from P78-1 Energetic Particle data set for the CPA and SOPA detectors Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer (MPA data) Multi-angle Imaging SpectoRadiometer (MISR) Oblique High Frequency Sounder NIS-7 projects Ulysses Solar Wind Observations Over the Poles of the Sun (SWOOPS) experiment General interest subjects Coded aperture imaging in high-energy astronomy (intro, instruments, bibliography) Research on celestial gamma-ray bursts in NIS-2 (preprints, links) The interests in astrophysics of the Astrophysics and Radiation Measurements Group (NIS-2) focus on gamma-ray bursts, x-ray binaries, accretion- and rotation-powered pulsars, neutron star dynamics, atomic processes in astrophysical sources, soft x-ray and EUV backgrounds, and EUV and soft x-ray transients such as flare stars. An important mission of the group is to develop new types of optical, ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma-ray detectors for ground and space applications. The group has flown high-energy instruments on Pioneer Venus Orbiter, the ISEE-3 (ICE), P78-1, Vela satellites, and the Japanese satellite Ginga. The group is currently developing experiments for several scientific missions including the X-ray Multimirror Mission (XMM), High Energy Transient Explorer (HETE), MARS-96, and the MOXE all sky x-ray monitor on the Russian Spectrum X-Gamma satellite project, and is the lead institution operating the Array of Low Energy X-ray Imaging Sensors (ALEXIS) satellite and its wide field-of-view ultrasoft x-ray telescope array. The group is actively participating in Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) and Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) research through several guest investigator projects, and is also involved in establishing the growing-up Fenton Hill Observatory in the Jemez mountains, which includes an ultra-high-energy gamma-ray telescope, Milagro.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory ( ORNL )
Physics and Space Technology Directorate ( LLNL )
Physics Servers and Services Around the World
Mirror Site at TU Vienna.
Collection of pointers to courses, multimedia documents, lesson plans, software, organizations, and other resources useful in the teaching/learning of Physics.
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ( RAL )
Sandia National Laboratories
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center ( SLAC )
Stanford Public Information REtrieval System ( SLAC-SPIRES )
A variety of SLAC's databases of interest to high-energy physics community is now made available via WWW, including: Preprints: HEP preprint database. Contains bibliographic summaries of more than 280,000 particle physics papers. Included are preprints, journal articles, technical reports, thesis, etc. Searchable by author, title, report number, institution, collaboration, and more. Find citations of your favorite author or article. View full postscript versions of selected preprints, read abstracts of bulletin-board papers. Need more help? Abstracts: Bulletin boards abstracts database. Useful in searching for recent physics bulletin board articles not yet covered by the HEP database. Find abstracts (and more!) of the articles posted today, yesterday, in the last seven days, week before that, or anytime.
Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory ( SSCL )
The American Physical Society
The High-Energy Astrophysics Learning Center
The High-Energy Astrophysics Learning Center is a middle school to college level resource on X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy. We provide information on celestial objects that generate high-energy radiation, X-ray and gamma-ray detector technology, and analysis of high-energy astrophysics data. We also provide multidisciplinary resources for teachers, including lesson plans, study guides, Adopt an Astronomer, and Ask a High-Energy Astronomer.
The Internet Pilot to Physics
Job announcements and deadlines Conference deadlines Physics News Flashes Today in the history of physicPhysics Conference List Announce a Conference On-Line Discussion Forum Market place for used equipment Jobs on-line Student Forum Book Reviews and New Books
Theoretical Nuclear/Particle Physics and Astrophysics Group ( tNPA Uni Basel )
This is Quasar, the server of the theoretical Nuclear/Particle Physics and Astrophysics groups at the Dept. of Physics of the University of Basel, Switzerland. The server offers information on people, research topics, publications, and teaching as well as personal home pages and preprints. Research topics in astrophysics include nucleosynthesis, type I and II supernovae, nuclear astrophysics, nuclear physics far from stability, neutrino physics; other research interests are atomic physics and chaos. (For a full list, take a look at the server)!
University of California, Berkeley - Center for Particle Astrophysics ( UCB - CfPA )
The CfPA located at the University of California, Berkeley was established in 1989 to conduct research in the new interdisciplinary field of particle astrophysics. We provide information on the Center's research, education and outreach efforts, workshops, seminars, publications, and a directory of members and visitors.
University of New Hampshire - Department of Physics
The Department of Physics at the University of New Hampshire has an extensive range of research including: space physics/astrophysics, nuclear physics, nonlinear dynamics and condensed matter.
University of Texas, Austin - Department of Physics
Wilson Synchrotron Laboratory

Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli